Its beginning to get hot and with this new summer it's time to bring out the lighter drinking beer's. Calabaza Blanca by Jolly Pumpkin Brewery is just that, a Belgian style white ale aged in barrels with a mellow sour twist. This beer is just another great offering by the fine people at JP. Moreover, this fine brew is bottled in 750 ml bottles and clocks in with a very light 4.6% abv. Priced at $12.99 a bottle I feel that its priced just right for this year round offering. However, this beer is not your typical Belgian white style beer, this one needs to be savored in a tulip or goblet style glassware and with no more than a 8.6 oz serving. Being a great summer beer Calabaza Blanca pairs well with a wide array of sea food: fish(salmon), lobster, shrimp, and creamy pasta dishes that require other sea life. This is a very good beer and one that will make the summer day's a lot better, so grab a few stick them in the fridge and enjoy.
Color: A bright hazy golden straw. Big white frothy head appears after the pour... about 2 1/2 fingers worth. Lacing in minimal.
Nose: Yeast funk and a whole lot of barnyard smells. Wet hay and wood come to mind. Lemon zest and some coriander make an appearance along with some grassy notes.
Palate: Extremely well carbonated can be difficult to drink at times because the amount bubbles. The beers mellow tartness coats the mouth and then the tongue gets hints of lemon and orange peel.
Finish: A bit dry but clean and crisp. Plenty of texture, but not overly complex. A solid beer with a lot to like.
Rating: 92 out of 100
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