For those who don't know Port Brewery is pretty much the same thing as Lost Abbey. Both use the same brewery to brew their beers and distribute them. Tonight, since its been getting hot around here I'm gonna review Mongo double IPA from Port. This nice hoppy beer is quite amazing and thirst quenching. To me it's one of the better California IPA's on the market and one that should be savored by everyone. Furthermore, what makes this beer so good is the fact that its complex,balanced, and everything you want in a west coast IPA. Mongo, comes in 22 oz bottles and is priced very well at $6.49 per. Moreover, the 8.5 % abv that this beer is bottled at is so mellow and masked throughout the beer that the drinkability of this beer is superb. I love Mongo as a summer beer because it so flexible with what you can pair it with. Its great with burgers, dogs, and pizza. One last point on this beer; Mongo is best drank out of a tulip style glass.
Color: A hazy golden orange color. Form a 2 finger sized white foamy head and leaves behind a good amount of lacing.
Nose: A hop explosion filled with citrus scents and a mellow sweet malty backbone. Peaches, mango's, and apricot are all present and some pineapple lingers in the background.
Palate: A total treat. This beer is so drinkable its crazy. the tongue gets coated with plethora of hops and then its eased by the nice ripe fruit textures of the beer. That is all washed away by a gentle sweetness.
Finish: Complex and refreshing. An achievement in IPA. The hop body pairs well with the fruit and the malt. Very thirst satisfying.
Rating: 95 out off 100
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