Special Double Cream Stout by Bell's brewery is one of my favorite cream stouts on the market. Its drinkability is amazing and it delivers so much flavor that you just can't help drinking more than one in one sitting. Brewed with a blend of ten different malts this beer takes on a creamy,lushes, full bodied beer. For those who aren't familiar with Bell's brewery, they are the same people who put out beers like the amazing Hopslam, Expedition stout, Oberon, and many more, but this beer and Hopslam are by far my favorite of the bunch. Moreover, Special Double Cream Stout is packaged in 6 packs and its priced at a cheap $10.99 a six pack, a true bargin for a beer that will amaze. Furthermore, the abv on this beer is right on, at 6.1% this beer drinks great without hints of any booze. What's really cool about this stout as well is that it drinks well out of any glass: pint, snifter, or out of bottle. This cream stout is great to pair with most meals and makes an amazing dessert beer if you don't want coffee. I really suggest you get your hands on this beer when you can.... it is a seasonal release so keep your eyes peeled.
Color: Looks like coffee... dark coffee. Nickel thick tan head that recedes quickly to a dime thin head. Little lacing left behind.
Nose: A bouquet of roasted malts that deliver a sweetness to the nasal passages. Quite evident also is a subtle creaminess and sweet milk chocolate. Some caramel but its a bit faint.
Palate: Soft and drinkable. The carbonation is just right. I would like to see a bit more character here and some more complexity, but still solid. The creaminess of this beer subdues a bit on the tongue and the coffee flavors come to the forefront.
Finish. Just north of ok. If it finished the way it smelled it would be a home run, but instead its a hard hit double that just missed being a triple.
Rating: 92 out of 100
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