I decided to crack this beer open tonight After the Heat beat the Lakers, so in other words a treat for me after having to deal with 5 straight loses from Heatles and crew. Sanctification starts off as a blonde style brew before the fine brewer's at Russian River Brewery introduce this beer to "Brett" or in other words, the wild yeast strain known as Brettanomyces. Moreover, I believe Sanctification is the only sour beer they make that is not barrel aged. This beer is so good though. It delivers plenty of flavor and complexity, combined with all the great sour attributes that come along with being a Russian River beer. Another great thing about this beer is its price, at $8.99 to $9.99, its one of the most affordable sours made by Russian River and also any other brewery. Let me also say that's California prices because I have been told this beer sells for upwards of 12 dollars on the east coast. Bottled at a nice 6.75 % abv and in 375 ml bottles this beer really is a must get. One can easily take a whole bottle down or share it with one other person seeing that the recommended serving size for Sanctification is 6.4 oz. Like always, Sours deserve the proper glassware so they can be enjoyed fully, and this one is no exception, so pour this beer into a tulip like glass or goblet. Lastly, Sanctification is a good year round beer, but it definitely be a great summer month favorite. Find this beer when available, and buy yourself a few because its only available during the first 6 months of the year. Side not: this beer is also great to age up to 3 years.
Color: A nice Hazy golden color. Reminiscent of hay stacks. Very well carbonated, forms a Nickel size head and leaves behind a nice lacing.
Nose: Light yeast fun from the Brett. Bready scents hit the nose followed by hints of lemon and grassy elements. Hints of light mellow hop appear after a good wiff.
Palate: Semi dry and medium bodied. The gentle sourness coats the tongue and then gives way to sour apples and lemon.
Finish: Again Semi dry and of medium length. Sanctification leaves behind traces of fruit, yeast funk and earth tones. Layered with flavor and personality.
Rating: 94 out of 100
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