Ever since I heard of Southern Tier Brewery in New York, I was intrigued by their Black Water Series. This collection of beers are imperial stouts brewed with high quality ingredients and craftsmanship. Creme Brulee is the second of the 5 I have tried, so thanks to Corey Evans for hooking me up with this beer.... Cheers!!! What love about this beer is its character and layered elements. It drinks so well for a beer with a high abv(10%) and the sweetness of this beer isn't offensive like some other over the top milk/cream stouts. Furthermore, this beer is priced just perfectly, at $8.99-$9.99 for a 22 oz bottle. I really recommend drinking this beer out of a snifter, even though a pint glass will do. Creme Brulee is meant to be savored and drank a bit cold, so serving yourself a huge serving may cause this beer to taste nasty toward the end. Moreover, the proper serving size for this beer is 6 oz. Lastly, this beer is a summer release by Southern Tier, so don't expect to find it on the shelves after October. This beer is a good after dinner beer and with all the nice vanilla and coffee flavors in this beer, it definitely makes it a dessert option.
Color: Dark,dark, dark brown. Light carbonation, hardly any head, leaves behind minimal lacing.
Nose: Big vanilla flavors followed by hints of rich caramel and molasses. Somewhere in the background you get hints of cream/milk and mellow coffee.
Palate: Medium bodied with explosive flavor. Caramel and vanilla hit the mouth first and toward the back of the tongue you get coffee and malty goodness
Finish: Some dryness and loss of complexity. This beer is all A's until you get to this point. The sweetness kinda goes away all the flavor seems to have disappeared. Kinda of a let down, but still better than most stouts on the market.
Rating: 90 out of 100
How did you get Southern Tier?! I want to get my hands on some of their Mokah beers, dessert in abottle