I am so pleased to be able to write about this beer and review it! After hearing so much about this collaboration beer between Schneider brewery in Germany and Brooklyn brewery in New york, I had to try it. Out of no where, my buddy Anand ,who like me is a beer aficionado gave me this beer on a Saturday last month. So, after a long day at work Monday, I finally decided to crack it open, and man was it good. Hopfen Weiss is Weissbock that is nicely dry hopped to perfection and deliver a wonderful amount of sweet fruit. Furthermore, this beer is bottled at 8.2 % abv which I think i just right for this beer. In addition, this beer is priced extremely reasonable at $ 4.49 a bottle, which happen to be 500 ml. Drink this beer out of a cold pint or tulip; I feel you get more out of the beer drinking it out of the specialty glass, but a pint will do just fine. When drinking this beer I also realized what a great outdoor beer this would be. Its refreshing and crisp, and it definitely quenches the thirst.... makes me think spring and summer. In all, this beer is amazing. It combines German precision and American innovation. Everyone should try this beer, it is clearly one of the top beer's in the world and it would definitely rank in my top 30.
Color: Almost orange with some haze(cloudy)... hints of gold and straw. Nice lacing all through the beer and it form a nice one finger head that is nice and foamy white.
Nose: The hops are blended in nicely with the smells of melon and peach. An aray of ripe citrus fruit float throughout the beer
Palate: A medium bodied beer. Bold with plenty of tang from the citrus. The hops balance the sweetness of this beer quite nicely and they add the right amount of bite to beer. The beer feels soft and delicate on the tounge but full of flavor.
Finish: Long and extravagant! Complex and beautiful. This beer delivers with artistry and great craftsmanship. Everything is savored, from the fruit(melon,peach,sweet apple, and oranges) to the nice dry hopped body.
Rating: 95 put 100
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