Tonight's beer review comes from the state of Colorado and New Belgium brewery. For those of you who don't know them they are the maker's of such beer's like: fat tire, mothership wit, skinny dip, 2 below, and many more. Usually I would say I'm not a fan of their stuff, especially the stuff I I just mentioned,but then I discovered their lips of faith series of beer's, and I must say this product line is pretty fing good! The beer I'm reviewing tonight happens to be from that series; New Belgium Sahti. This beer is amazing and smooth from beginning to end. It wows with complexity and artistry. I haven't had many sahti type beer's, but this on is clearly the best of what I have had. This beer is bottled in a 22 oz bottle and is best served cold and in a tulip glass. This will allow you to enjoy the deep and dense flavor of this beer. In addition, this beer comes in at a nice 7.2% abv and a good price tag of $7.99- $9.99. I want to thank my buddy Anand for getting me this beer, so Cheer's buddy! Other notes of interest for this beer: makes a great year round beer, it pairs well with pork and poultry, also a great beer to pair with beer nut mix and pretzels. I totally recommend this beer so if you run across it.....buy buy buy!!!!
Color: A hazy amber with some brown hue at the core. it forms a nickle thin head that disappears quite quickly. It does leave behind some nice lacing.
Nose: Exotic and beautiful. Juniper berry floats on top of this beer and with it some rye notes. This beer is also nicely hopped....I want to say there might be at least two types of hops in this beer if not more. Plenty of spice also surrounds this beer. I get some lemon and coriander but not quite sure.
Palate: Amazing! smooth,clean, and poetic. A nice mellow sweetness that compliments the rye. the spices play beautifully with the hops. In there some honey makes the rounds.
Finish: Clean,crisp, and refreshing. layered and complex. The taste of this beer last long, all the way through to the stomach. Keeps you wanting more and more.
Rating: 91 out 0f 100
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