This is my first Upright Brewery beer, and I must say if all their beer is as good as Fantasia I want to try everything they offer. Upright is located in the heart of Portland, Oregon and by word of mouth I hear they make great saison's and other really tasty barrel aged beers. Today though I am reviewing Fantasia, a peach sour aged in barrels and boy does it deliver! This beer packs in great fruit flavor along with a great balance of sourness and drinkability. Furthermore, with this beer being priced at $20.00 for a 750 ml bottle, I believe this brew is a steal, so if you bought some lucky you and if you didn't trade for some and drink it; you wont be disappointed. Fantasia is so drinkable that you alone could polish of a whole bottle, especially when this beer clocks in at only 5.75% ABV, but don't do that, serve yourself a nice 9.6 oz serving into your tulip or goblet and share this rarity with other beer loving friends. Moreover, I would say that you enjoy this beer fresh as I am not sure how this will age, but the potential is there is the excellent peach profile holds up. Usually I would tell you what fine food you can pair along with this beer, but its my honest opinion that this beer should be consumed solo to fully enjoy all the excellent complexities it contains, but if you must pair it up, just make sure your meal doesn't overwhelm the beer.
Color: A vibrant golden/orange with a thin white head that recedes quickly. No lacing or head retention to speak of.
Nose: Peaches! More and more peaches! Light oak rises from the glass as it warm, a soft sweetness is paired with an inviting sourness. I also get some light white wine textures.
Palate: Very drinkable. The abv is well masked throughout the beer making the peach profile in this beer shine. The beer is sour/tart, but not to point were it makes your mouth pucker. Very fruit forward with waves of oak and vinous qualities, but these are just sort of floating in the background.
Finish: Simple, fruity, and mildly dry. Great peach flavor all the way through, but the complexity lacks on the back end of this beer. Still a quality sour with a lot of excellent textures and body
Rating: 93/100
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