I'm so excited to be reviewing this beer tonight. Aside of being one of the beer's I have sought after for the longest time, it also comes from on of my favorite breweries in the world, Cantillon, in Belgium. For those of you who don't know, Cantillon is one of the premiere lambic, gueuze, and sour beer makers in the world, and Jean Van Roy the head brewer at Cantillon, is by far one of the best at coming up with these fantastic beers. One of Jean's best creations is the Lou Pepe series of beer's: Gueuze, Framboise, and Kriek. However, these beer's are not easy to find, and if you do spot them at your local bottle shop the price of buying a bottle is steep. The Lou Pepe Gueuze runs anywhere from $25.00- $30.00 a 750 ml bottle. I know what your thinking... Damn! that shit is expensive, is it worth it. My response... Hell! Yes! Then again I'm a beer snob and I love they style, so if your like me and like the sour and funky beers do yourself a favor and pick up as many as you can get your hands on. Furthermore, like all gueuze's this one also has a low abv. At 5% this beer is an easy drinker, but also provides plenty of complexity and character. I also suggest you enjoy this beer out of a tulip or goblet in reasonable 8 oz pours that way you can see how this beer changes as it warms over time. Finally, what else can be said about Lou Pepe Gueuze that doesn't sound like hyperbole, this beers taste should be enough. Do remember to share this rare gem if you have one in your possession because like all Cantillon its best enjoyed in good company.
Color: A hazy golden/blonde this beer is. A thin white bubbly head forms that quickly reduces to a cloying white ring at the edges of your glass. Minimal head retention.
Nose: Wow! Like all great Belgian gueuze this one smells of funk, lemon peel, and stinky cheese. hints of oak and barnyard rise from the glass as it warms. A pretty complex aroma.
Palate: Simply perfect. Outstanding drinkability, perfectly carbonated, light and layered on the tongue, and above all delicious. Once this beer enters your mouth your palate is assaulted with sourness, extreme funk and waves of lemon. The oak then comes through to mellow out the sour patch invasion that just happened. Hints of grass and other barnyard textures shine on the back end.
Finish: Dry and easy going. Sour through and through with an incredible complexity that can only come from excellent craftsmanship.
Rating: 96/100
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