New Glarus Brewery is a tiny brewery in Wisconsin and from this little location the brewers at New Glarus make some of the best beer in the country. Raspberry Tart is one of those beers and its the beer I'm reviewing tonight. Bottled in 750 ml bottles and brewed to a very low 4% abv this beer is fantastic and delicious in every way possible. What makes New Glarus also very good is the prices of their beer's. Raspberry Tart is priced from $8.99 a bottle to $10.99 a bottle and for the product you are getting that my friends is a steal. The only beef I have with New Glarus is that I can't find it out west, and as a matter of fact I don't think you can find it outside of Wisconsin. In other words, I had to trade to obtain this beer. Furthermore, this beer is best enjoyed at cellar temp and in a tulip glass or flute. Moreover,this beer makes a wonderful desert beer when paired with chocolate cake. If you are beer lover and like fruit beer's seek this one out and buy a few... you wont be disappointed.
Color: A deep crimson color. Hints of brown and violet around the edges.A white finger head form after the pour, but this beer leaves behind minimal lacing.
Nose: What else raspberries. A mellow oakiness lingers and with are hints of other read fruits and barnyard smells.
Palate: Excellent carbonation and mouth feel. This beer is very drinkable and tasty. The tongue gets hit with wave after wave of ripe raspberry. This beer has a nice tartness to it as well adding some lite complexity to the beer.
Finish: Crisp and light. The gentle sourness/tartness makes this beer very interesting and the raspberry textures are just wonderful.
Rating: 94 out of 100
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