For those of us out west or way out on the east coast we may not be familiar with 3 Floyds Brewery, but we should be. They make some of the best beer this country has to offer and also at very good prices. Located in the small city of Munster, Indiana it van be easy to overlook such a brewery, but with solid offerings like Dark Lord imperial stout, Moloko, Behemoth, and Apocalypse Cow this brewery is amazing. Tonight's review is on Moloko, a milk stout that is released in the summer months. It can be seen on the shelves starting in August. Furthermore, this beer is is awesomely priced at $8.99 a 22 oz bottle and the art work makes this an eye catcher as well. Moreover, this milk stout is bottled at a nice 8 % abv, which is wonderfully masked by the creamy texture of this excellent beer. Moloko is not a beer you need a special glass for, so any icy cold pint glass will do. This beer, unlike most high abv stouts, is not meant for aging, so don't still stick it in your cellar for to long, as it will loose most of it characteristics that make Moloko so tasty. Lastly, this is an awesome stout for hot days in the summer, it drinks so good and it can be paired as a dessert beer or with some fried chicken and mashed potatoes. Go and seek this beer out, you wont regret it.
Color: Very Dark... almost jet black. Pours with a nice two finger tan head and the beer has a medium level carbonation. Some lacing left behind.
Nose: Milk Chocolate and cream hit the nasal passages first followed by hints of mellow coffee and vanilla flavors. Caramel brings up the rear.
Palate: Light bodied stout with lost of sweet and creamy flavors. The milk chocolate hits the palate first directly followed by some fresh vanilla and coffee tones.
Finish: Smooth and clean. Sweetness and mild roastiness are evident on the way down. Everything works together to make an excellent drinking beer.
Rating: 93 out of 100
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