After enjoying this beer twice this weekend I have decided to review it. Indian Brown Ale by Dogfish is a blend of an English brown ale and an IPA that is brewed with barley and caramelized sugar and later hopped. The drink ability of this beer is so amazing and superb, it really makes me with that this beer was available in CA. I want to thank both Anand and my Bill Rabb for allowing to taste this beer. Indian Brown Ale can be found mostly year round in most states that get Dogfish products and can be purchased 12 oz bottles individually at $2.50 a bottle or in a 6 pack at $12.99. Furthermore, this beer is good out of the bottle or in any pint glass you have available. Moreover, this brew is bottles at a nice drinkable 7.2% abv. Indian Brown Ale is a great year round beer that will pair nicely with any dinner or lunch plate, so enjoy responsibly.
Color: Dark brown with hints of amber on the edges of the beer. Good carbonation and a nickel size head. Minimal lacing.
Nose: Malty bread flavors. Nutty and light sugary sweetness followed by light hops and caramel.
Palate: Medium bodied with a sweet tongue feel. As you hold the beer in your mouth the hops come to life a then are balanced out by the caramel textures.
Finish: Nothing special, but it satisfies the craving. Toasty flavor come through here along with a gentle hop presence. Not much complexity in this beer but, worth the drink.
Rating: 89 out of 100
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